Volunteer of the Month

September 2023 Volunteer of the Month - Kathleen

This month we want to say a big shout out to Kathleen for all her work over the years. Kathleen is a shining example of how everyone can help in some way. She fostered multiple dogs for us a few years ago, even adopting one! Life got a little hectic and she had to stop fostering, but she eventually found her way to processing adoption applications for us, which is a truly difficult and thankless job sometimes. But, we are thankful ALL the time for Kathleen and her efforts and wish we could clone her :) Here is a bit about Kathleen in her own words:

“Hello, my name is Kathleen. I have lived in Dayton, OH my whole life and never had any pets growing up. I actually used to be terrified of dogs until I adopted my first rescue dog, Aspen in college with my family. He changed our lives for the better in the 5 years we had him and taught us so much. After we lost him, I found PPD and I felt like fostering was a great way to honor him. I learned a lot from other volunteers about how to be the best dog owner I could be and fostered/foster failed 5 amazing dogs and I still love them all dearly. I've had a lot of life changes in the past year or so and really hope to foster from PPD again someday.

But until then, I feel very fulfilled processing applications for these amazing animals. I have never met more passionate and hardworking animal lovers and I look forward to helping find forever homes for all our fur babies!”

Thanks so much, Kathleen, and keep up the great work!

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