Volunteer of the Month

November 2023 Volunteer of the Month - Kendra

During the month of Thanksgiving, we are so grateful for EVERY person who helps our rescue. One of these amazing volunteers is Kendra, who helps with events, fundraising, and outreach efforts. Here is a bit about Kendra and why she chooses to help animals by volunteering for Paw Patrol. Here is a bit about Kendra in her own words:

“I’m a Dayton native and lifelong animal lover. Throughout my entire life our home has always been shared with at least one dog, but usually two or more. You know what they say, pets are like chips; you can’t have just one! Growing up we were a schnauzer household and not to mention the hermit crabs, hamsters and Guinea pigs we also had.

I remember a moment in my life when I was just a kid riding in the backseat of my mom’s car and I saw a loose dog on I-35. I asked if we could save it, but, of course, with the location it just wasn’t practical. Right then and there is when I made a promise to myself that when I’m an adult I’m going to help every animal, every chance I get. As I grew up, my involvement in rescue work started by participating in fundraising walks and 5ks for area shelters. I really enjoyed taking my dogs with me and I never missed an opportunity to enter a pet costume contest.

A pivotal moment in my life, I was 23 years old when my first rescue found me. I was out of town for a work trip and found a cute, happy little, stray Silky terrier. I made every attempt I could to find his family through the vet, groomer and local newspaper. He was the type of dog that loved everyone and everyone loved him. One of the first distinctive characteristics I noticed about him was that he actually watched tv. The funny thing was, he was named after Cincinnati running back Cedric Benson and that was THE ONE thing he wouldn’t watch, football! But he did especially take notice when he saw animals on tv. I loved having a little doggy that I was able to take bye-bye so easily and I took him with me every chance I got. One of Benson’s greatest achievements was being featured in the National Pet Valu calendar. Finding Benson was the best thing that ever happened to me and I was fortunate enough to spend 12 years with my best friend and doggy soulmate.

Since Benson, myself, as well as other family members have solely rescued or taken over the care from rehoming situations for multiple dogs and cats.

Several years ago, I saw my friend and former classmate Emily Lutz fostering dogs through Paw Patrol. When it comes to animals, she and I are kindred spirits. I have enjoyed helping with and attending fundraisers since my time with PPD began. This year was my first year becoming a foster and I hope to be able to help many more animals find a loving forever home. Along with Paw Patrol I also volunteer with Adopt a Pit. I plan to volunteer with more organizations in the future including cat rescue and shelters for the less fortunate citizens of our community.

I’m excited and I look forward to what’s in store for myself and the rescue work to come in 2024!”

Thank you so much, Kendra, for all your hard work and looking forward to what you will do in the future!

<< October 2023's Volunteers of the Month