Volunteer of the Month
Sarrah Irvin

June 2024 Volunteer of the Month - Sarrah

During the dog days of summer, we would like to pause and take a moment to say thank you to a fantastic new volunteer and foster parent. Sarrah is new to our rescue family, but she has jumped in with both feet! After seeing how overloaded the animal rescue world is, she realized she could get involved and make a difference for homeless animals. Here is a bit about Sarrah and why she decided to get involved with Paw Patrol:

“I grew up on a farm where we always had cats and dogs as pets. My parents were always taking in strays and never said no to an animal in need. I learned from them and have had 3 rescue dogs of my own, including my current pit mix, Mazikeen.

I started fostering with Paw Patrol because a pregnant cat literally walked into my life, and after what felt like a million calls, I discovered that there are not enough resources to help care for animals in need. My husband and I decided to be part of the solution and agreed to do what we could to help out.

We have had a blast watching these kittens grow and it has been a good experience for my toddler as well. We are happy to see them go to good homes and look forward to continuing to provide a temporary home for cats in need. Volunteering with Paw Patrol has given me an opportunity to meet new people and get more involved in my community.”

Thank you so much, Sarrah and your family. We are so thankful for all you do!

<< May 2024's Volunteer of the Month