Volunteers of the Month

June 2023 Volunteers of the Month - Scott & Alex

This month we would like to introduce you to two amazing foster parents, Scott and Alex. These two both have extremely demanding work schedules, but have still managed to find time to foster dogs in need. We are so thankful they have made time for their life-saving work. We couldn’t be more proud to call them a member of our pack! A bit about Scott and Alex, in their own words:

“We would like to thank everyone at Paw Patrol for welcoming us into the pack and for your recognition of the work we share. From the moment we reached out to you last October we quickly saw that PP was a well-run organization that stands behind their fosters 100%. You all have made joining this mission not only a pleasure, but an uncomplicated and straightforward process which allows us the time and energy to fully love these amazing animals who are placed in our care. Like you, we are truly enjoying helping them find the forever homes they deserve.

Alex and I met 15 years ago and have been married since January of 2021. We are two West Carrolton natives now living in Dayton, although we have lived in various places around town. A Gemini/Scorpio connection isn't supposed to work, but when it does it's a ton of fun and pushes you to your limits. That's how we try to live our lives by fully enjoying each day here and creating distant adventures for ourselves along the way. But far from just work and play we are thankful to PP for providing us a chance to nurture our altruistic sides. It feels like we get more out of PP than we could ever give in return because of the joy these furry angels bring to us. I know all of you can relate. We heard about PP after Nicole informed us about it. Thank you, Nicole. We decided to join PP roughly a year and a half after our beloved Rollo Boxer crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Today would have been her birthday and we do this in her honor.

We’ve worn many hats over the years - son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nurse, organ and tissue procurement specialist, and many other jobs and undertakings, but we love being “Foster Parents”. Our house is a happy house full of music, laughter, and nourishment. We feel fortunate to be able to bring these forsaken four-legged friends into our home and support them on their road to strength, security, and genuine love and happiness. They have so much love to give.

We'd like to thank our mentors Kathryn and Dillon for being there for us as we learned the ropes and we want to especially thank Brandi for her tireless devotion to her volunteers and these many displaced and dispossessed lives. You are a genuine saint in our eyes for the selfless work you do for these outcasts. These animals will forever be tied to you in love as they are to each one of you selfless fosters doing the work not only when things are good, but also when they are tough. We look forward to continuing to become more involved in PP, help stimulate its growth, and add to the multitude of dogs and cats you have all so lovingly rescued. If there's any way we could help any of you individually in the future please reach out to us and say hello.”

Our Sincerest Thank Yous!
- Scott & Alex

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