Volunteers of the Month

April 2024 Volunteer of the Month - Malorie

During April, we want to recognize a long-time volunteer and foster, Malorie, as our volunteer of the month. Although she dedicates most of her free time to coaching volleyball, she also finds time to provide a temporary home for cats in need by being a foster. Here is a bit about Malorie:

“Fostering cats for me is more than just providing temporary shelter; it’s an act of compassion I am very happy to provide to these kitties with their soft whiskers, playful paws, and heartwarming purrs. I foster to provide a cozy nook for a cat in need, an empty crate becomes a place where a frightened fur baby transforms into a beloved family member. Watching as their trust grows the once shy cat curling up on your lap, seeking solace is very fulfilling.

Fostering isn’t just about cuddles and kibble; it’s about grooming future companions. You become a cat’s personal coach, teaching them social skills, litter box etiquette, and the art of head bumps. When they’re ready, I proudly send them off to their forever families, knowing I’ve played a vital role in their journey. When it’s adoption time, it isn’t always easy, but I know I’ve prepared them well because of the help and support I get from everyone in Paw Patrol. I do all this knowing that out there is another cat waiting to fill the empty bed, and the cycle of nurturing continues.

Fostering cats with Paw Patrol has taught me that my home is a temporary harbor where every whisker twitch, every midnight purr, contributes to a world where love conquers all, one cat at a time.”

Thanks so much for all you do, Malorie! Countless cats have been saved through your dedicated efforts and both the PPD family and all the adopters of your kitties truly appreciate what you do!

<< March 2024's Volunteer of the Month